Birmingham choir

All together now... on stage at our fifth birthday gig

It was six years ago TODAY, on 31st March 2008, that we held our very first Choir with No Name rehearsal in King's Cross, London. 

Our BBC Lifeline Appeal, presented by Cerys Matthews, was broadcast on BBC1 just before Christmas. Television viewers responded in their thousaands... and we're thrilled to say that we have raised £15,084 in donations from viewers. Thank you so much, everyone!

Blue Monday. Officially the most miserable day of the year, and it's TODAY.

Things are reaching a summery fever pitch here at Choir with No Name, and not just because of the soaring temperatures...

5th birthday gig

2013 is the 5th birthday of the Choir with No Name. We invite you to celebrate it with us over the next several months! It's been an incredible journey so far - from the first rehearsal in 2008, when 4 people came along, to having 3 choirs today, with hundreds of people walking through the doors each week...

The Choir with No Name Birmingham is well-chuffed and extremely excited to be performing on 11th May, 6pm, at Birmingham’s prestigious Town Hall as part of ‘Sing For All: Community Spirit’.
